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The Chinese Language Instruction Center of Fo Guang University is an institution that provides students with good environment to learn Chinese with well-designed Mandarin programs. Learning Chinese language is not only a language itself but also that it broadens students’ visions by exploring the world. The theme of the Center is “fun of learning Chinese language with experiences from exploring Nature and activities.” We inspire a passion for learning Chinese as a language as well as that of Chinese as a culture. Our mission is to enable students to be able to well communicate with others in Chinese as well as improving writing skills. Our vision is to assist students to achieve an understanding of the culture of Taiwan through Chinese language. 

The Center offers two Chinese language programs: Regular Mandarin Program and Sailing and Chinese Language Program.
The first program is regular Chinese program. The theme of the program is “Learning Chinese with Nature, with Culture.” Fo Guang University is located at a county with scenic landscapes. With its location surrounded by beautiful Nature, students have an opportunity to learn Chinese with and from Nature. In this way, they will be inspired to appreciate their relationships with Nature through learning Chinese language in combination with some outdoor activities at some scenic places in the area of the Center. In addition, there are various outdoor activities that represent Taiwanese culture included in the program. Thus, students not only learn Chinese as a language, but also that they are able to learn about Chinese culture with real experiences through Chinese language as well as that of vice versa. 
The second program is Sailing and Chinese Language program. This program is about learning Chinese language with sailing. It is seasonal as the program is offered in summer. The theme of the program is “Beyond Self, Beyond Border.” The Center plays a role to bring students who are interested in sailing from various nations to meet together at the Center, study Chinese language together, sailing as a team work as well as cultural exchange. So that students have some opportunities to learn about cultures of other nations as well as building up some friendship with students who are from various cultures through Chinese language. With sailing at Yilan country, where Go Guang University locates, our mission is to provide an opportunity for students around the world gathering together because of sailing as well as that of learning Chinese language, culture exchange, and friendship establishment as it is our goal, “Beyond self, and Beyond border.”

Overall, with an idea of learning Chinese language from various aspects, the Center intends to inspire students to learn Chinese language effectively through various ways rather than in-class learning. The vision of the Center is to assist students to achieve an understanding of the culture of Taiwan through learning Chinese language.

